Descubre la Línea Ampero II de Hotone:

Potencia y versatilidad en tus manos.


Compacto y económico, ideal para expandir tus posibilidades.


Versátil y potente, con más de 400 efectos


El equilibrio perfecto entre potencia y portabilidad.


El pedal definitivo para profesionales.

Me sorprendió muchísimo. Hace cosas que pedaleras de gama alta hacen; aquí está su verdadero potencial: todo lo hace muy bien y no desenfundas tanto dinero.

Eddie Warboy


En casa prefiero el Ampero II Stomp, es súper manejable, potencia y buen sonido. Ampero II Stage, es la misma calidad de sonido y potencia, pero con más posibilidades para tocar en directo. Te va a permitir tocar en directo con una soltura que de otra manera no lo vas a poder conseguir.



So far I’m really really impressed with the Ampero II stage and I really like this form factor of all the Ampero things and it sounds really good too.

Taylor Danley


Su ToneCatch es muy fiel. En mi caso yo tengo estudio de grabación y tengo muchos cabezales en mi estudio y al final, llevar tus sonidos de grabaciones directamente a una captura, te permite tocar con el sonido que has usado en cualquiera de tus grabaciones, eso realmente es súper interesante

Paulo Morete Oficial


Here are my thoughts on the Hotone Ampero II stage: for stage use it has a lot of switching options to offer to give you maximum flexibility. You can call up a patch and then switch individual effects on and off or store and switch effect combinations in a scene setting. Editing on the device works great and fast using the touch display which also shows the switching functions and the signal chain very clearly. The range of effects and amp models is really very extensive and the Ampero II Stage can therefore be used for a wide variety of musical styles. With the price of €699 the device is in the middle price range and the sound quality is accordingly.
Regarding the connection options I didn’t like using it as a pedal board in front of a clean amp so much. The overdrive and Distortion models sounded not that good compared to “normal” analog overdrive pedals. Recording directly into the audio interface with the amp and cab models or using it as a preamp was much more convincing. So long story short the switching, handling and editing is topnotch the range of effects and amp models also.
The sound quality is in the upper mid-range and it’s absolutely fine for use in a band on stage or for recordings.

Guitar Bonedo


The Ampero II stage it’s a really great machine, really stable, sounds great, you have a lot of presets to learn from, you have also lot of effects amplifier really really great stuff with this Ampero II Stage. The only problem is that you can use only 12 different effects at the same time and if you use double input response the CPU is not enough. Really great to match with the pedal Ampero II Press; really really great really stable.
I’m really excited, I’m really happy that right now you can do also capture or tone catching with the Ampero II environment devices. I think that is really great and great results in my opinion.

Mad Steex
